Saturday, April 1, 2017

Day 91: Special Buckwheat Bread

This first buckwheat bread didn't leave a good taste in my mouth, literally. There were a few technical difficulties while baking it, and it only got worse after that. Apparently you need to really like flavor of buckwheat on it's own to like this loaf. I don't think I've ever had buckwheat, so I couldn't say whether I liked it or not. Another thing is that I think this is called special buckwheat bread because there isn't any other flour in this bread besides the buckwheat. I put this whole thing together and threw it in the oven for the recommended time, put a toothpick in and it came out clean, and so I pulled it out. This is when things got weird. I turned it out of the pan and it immediately fell apart. The outside was baked fine but the middle (the part I checked with the toothpick) was not. Not sure what happened there, but I scooped it back in the pan and baked it for about 45 minutes longer than the original 45 minutes. But the middle never was baked all the way through. I didn't think it was possible, but it just never happened. Maybe this bread was too dense, but I just used the recommended pan and it still didn't work. So the outside tasted okay but the middle part was just awful to eat. Not the best way to start buckwheat breads but that's okay! 

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