Sunday, April 16, 2017

Day 106: Texas Roadhouse Copycat Rolls

These rolls aren't in the book, but I made them for some family friends and they turned out incredible. For anyone who's actually been to Texas Roadhouse, you'll know how good these rolls are. I didn't have any honey butter handy (which they're usually served with) but they were still delicious. The recipe was actually really easy to make, and fairly straightforward. In the picture, you can see that the rolls opened up a bit, which I wasn't expecting. They're supposed to stay closed and tight, but it doesn't really change anything. I made hot cross buns last weekend, but I forgot to take any pictures and I didn't want to make them again. There is a recipe later in the book for the hot cross buns, so they'll pop up later even when it's a traditionally Easter bread. 

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