Friday, March 31, 2017

Day 90: Toasted Cornmeal Bread

I messed this bread up, but it still turned out okay. It's super dense as it usually is when I mess it up, but this one rose more than usual. To make this one you can either buy toasted cornmeal (which I didn't know they sold) or you can toast your own like I did. I just popped it in the 350 oven for about 20 minutes and it was perfect. This bread is supposed to be a light golden brown loaf with a great toasted flavor, but only some of those things came through. As I was making it, before I messed it up, it had such a great toasted aroma, but that didn't stick around long after baking it. You can still get some of the toasted flavoring, but it being such a dense brick of a loaf just kills any other enjoyment. This was the last corn bread, and it's kind of disappointing to end it on this note, but there's no going back! 

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