Saturday, March 4, 2017

Day 62: Pumpernickel Bread

This is the biggest bread I've ever made and boy was it a hassle. It all started with heating up some cornmeal with water into a paste. You then add a bunch of molasses, chocolate, and the regular ingredients. This went smoothly, but when it was time to turn it into a workable dough, it became a nightmare. Rye dough is notoriously sticky and this lived up to that name too well. I used probably 3 extra cups of flour to try and manage the stickiness. The recipe calls for kneading it for about 6 minutes and using a bit of extra flour, but it took me about 45 minutes to knead all that flour in. Biggest headache ever. Luckily though, this bread turned out magnificent.
The molasses kind of overpowers all the other flavors in the bread, but that's really okay. It is a massive, chewy, and fluffy loaf of dark bread that makes excellent toast, or tastes just great eaten on it's own. I'm really happy how it turned out, and it was definite hit with my friends and family, but I don't think I'll ever make it again because of how much work has to go into it. I now realize why every pumpernickel bread you buy is the dutch brick variety and not this one. We're almost done with rye breads though! 

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