Thursday, May 4, 2017

Day 123: Pesto Bread

Another fantastic bread for another cheat day! I underestimated the amount of time it takes to ferment this last French bread, which is why I've had to make up these past two days on bread. It takes a lot of time to make some good French bread it turns out. This bread is a swirl bread, but I didn't have enough pesto (with the left over basil from the pizza) to cover the entire swirl. It is still delicious, but the pesto does not go all the way through the loaf and into every bite like I wished it would. This bread was actually in the book but super far ahead in the herb bread section. After the last French bread is going to be a lot of starters before the sourdough section, so I think I might take a bit of time to go through those while they actually ferment this weekend before actually diving into the sourdoughs next week. 

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