Thursday, February 16, 2017

Day 47: Rieska

So I had to cheat on this loaf. It's actually a barley bread, which is after Rye, which is after the whole-wheat breads. My math was off a bit, so I had to skip around in the book. There are only 3 barley bread recipes so I just slipped one of those in. This recipe is actually a Finnish Flat-bread that turned out really well. It came together extremely fast (about 10 minutes) and was done baking in another 15. So it's super easy to make, not the most pleasing to the eye, and tastes pretty okay. It's on the dry side but if you put some butter on it tastes just right. 
The rest of the whole-wheat breads should hopefully be done in the next two days. I just have to soak a lot of wheat berries, which takes a few days. After those two are done though, we're going to be moving on some great rye breads. I was taking a peek at the recipes and there are a lot of crazy ones coming up. After those 15 or so recipes, we'll move back onto the rest of the barley breads and keep on trucking! 

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