Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Day 46: Gugelhopf Complet Biologique

So this bread's name actually translates to whole-wheat gugelhopf. A gugelhopf is actually the original name for a Bundt pan, before Nordic Ware trademarked the name Bundt and started selling them. If you go to Europe, they'll call them gugelhopf pans, while here they'll call them Bundt pans. They're basically the same, but there are traditional gugelhopf pans (which are recommended in this recipe) which have a taller and tighter look to them. Overall this bread is delicious. It's got hazelnuts and currants inside the bread, while the pan is layered with almonds before the dough goes in. This bread is really chewy, and isn't actually that sweet, surprisingly.
The presentation value is top notch with this loaf, as most Bundt cakes/breads are. These round breads are a pain in the butt to store because the only way to really keep them fresh is to store them in a cake holder, which is always massive. There's a lot of bread on this one, but I can easily see myself making some bomb french toast with this bread. I don't know if it would make really good sandwich or anything besides that. It was a lot of fun to make though, even though the almonds took forever to slice and attempt to arrange. 

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