Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Day 18: Pusstabrot

I'm not the biggest fan of fennel but this bread turned out great! It's a Hungarian bread in origin with roasted fennel seeds kneaded into the dough and more fennel seeds sprinkled on it before it bakes. This one also required a starter but luckily it was only an hour beforehand. I bought a ton of fennel seeds for super cheap, but this recipe didn't use a lot so now I'm not sure what to do with all of them. Hopefully more breads down the line use them!
The baking was pretty standard except for the starter. I'm still not used to using starters, but by the time I get past all the sourdough bread I'm making I hope I'll be a pro. This loaf actually came out incredibly well too. It's got a great color, lots of good fennel flavor, and a solid crust. The crust is nice and flaky and the rest of the bread is super soft. This makes cutting it extremely messy. Crumbs and flakes were flying all over the place but I couldn't stop cutting off pieces. 
This was a cool and different bread to make. I'm sure it goes great with a lot of savory dishes (not sure what it's sandwich potential is) and I can't wait to experiment and make different things with it. We're almost out of the white breads but we still have a ways to go until we get into the crazier breads!

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